Queering The Ballot
01 Apr 2013, Posted by INEND in
espite the promise by the Constitution of Kenya 2010 on the Right to Life, the Right to Human Dignity, the Right to Privacy, Freedom of Expression, and Freedom from Discrimination, Sexual and Gender Minorities in Kenya continue to directly or indirectly face adversity that is majorly fueled by unfavorable policies and archaic colonial laws in Kenya.
During this election period, INEND developed a survey touching on Civic public participation to identify specific gaps that hinder LGBTQ+ participation in public and governance processes. This data from Mombasa was received from 50% men, 42% women, and 8% non-Binary persons with the majority aged between 24 and 30 years old which is the average voter’s age in Kenya.
The Survey pointed out the obvious Political alienation that causes voter apathy in the LGBTQ+ community thus from the same, subsequent report and the experience of engaging with queer people on the Coast on matters of Elections, INEND sought to work towards LBQGNC Persons’ participation in the general elections to be held in August 2022.
Efforts are being channeled to have the community register to vote, have a full and clear understanding of the voting process, monitor the elections in their individual capacities and forums on leadership and governance, and most importantly, participate in the actual voting.
Sexual and Gender Minorities in Kenya face violence each day thus while exercising these rights, there is a need to be aware of the politically charged environment that poses more threats and risks to individual security thus there is a need to Inculcate safety measures and be armed with knowledge on how to mitigate security threats and risks that are highly amplified during this time.
Together with Various partners, we are mobilizing LGBTQ+ persons online and Offline to participate in the Kenyan election cycle through #QueeringTheBallot