QueeringTheBallot: Elections Situation Room (QBESR) 2022
02 Apr 2013, Posted by INEND in
exual and Gender Minorities have always been at the front-line of protests and marches demanding for better living conditions and dignity, but they feel there are barriers to them participating in public and political forums. While talking about why they had little interest, the Queer people were anxious of the potential homo-bi-transphobia in the participation process. They mentioned the existing fears of being outed, physical, verbal and digital Violence.
The #QueeringTheBallot: Elections Situation Room (QBESR)is as a creation of the efforts of the four organizations –Initiative For Equality & Non Discrimination(INEND), National gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission(NGLHRC),Empowered Ladies Initiative for Equality (ELITE) and The Western Kenya LBQ womxn and Trans* Non-Binary Persons Feminist Forum -in a bid to ensure participation of LBQ women and GNC persons in the pre, during and post stages of the 2022 General elections.