Statement of Support of LGBTIQ+ Ugandans

01 Aug 2023, Posted by INEND in INEND
W e stand in solidarity with the LGBTIQ+ community in Uganda, facing harsh penalties for simply living their lives & expressing their identities. Criminalization of LGBTQ+ people is a gross human rights violation & goes against equality and non-discrimination.

The justification that this legislation is needed to protect traditional values in the country is unacceptable, as everyone deserves the right to live free from fear and persecution, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

As a member state of the United Nations, Uganda has committed to protecting, promoting, and respecting the individual rights and fundamental freedoms laid out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). 

This is a joint statement by The National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, The Initiative for Equality and Non Discrimination, galck+, Coalition for Grassroots Human Rights Defenders- Kenya, Gay HIV prevention Network, Defenders Coalition, Pema Kenya, Public Health Innovations, and The Key Population Consortium of Kenya. #PROTECTQUEERUGANDANS

Read the Full Statement Here

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