If you want to anonymously report fraud, corruption or an integrity issue that does not personally affect you, you can contact us through our Whistleblower framework. As a whistleblower, you will not always be expected to provide proof of the misconduct. The concern you raise will be investigated by the appropriate persons.
INEND will ensure that reports of fraud, corruption, and other integrity issues regarding INEND, INEND employees, our Partner organizations, and related service providers (and their employees) that we closely work with are addressed. These are cases of misconduct you have witnessed or have certain knowledge of, but which may not personally affect you. You may also wish to stay anonymous.
How to report?
Reporting can be done in two ways:
Number to call: +254 774 120 746
The confidential reporting channels are not manned 24/7 and 365 days a year. We will receive the information within 14 days of communication. In the meantime,
• Stay calm.
• Do not become a private detective. INEND will ensure that genuine concerns are investigated thoroughly by qualified staff.
• Be sure your allegations are based on genuine facts and real substance.
Anonymous reporting
Informants have the choice to state their identity, which will be protected, or to remain anonymous.
Who can file a report?
INEND employees, partnering organizations, service providers, and even the general public.
What can be reported?
The following issues can be reported :
Bribery The practice of offering something, usually money, to gain an illicit advantage.
Corruption, Dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often for personal gain.
Fraud | Any intentional or deliberate act to deprive another of property or money by guile, deception, or other unfair means. |
Theft | The unauthorized removal or taking of supplies, equipment, furniture, fixtures, products, cash, merchandise or other tangible property. |
Financial Mismanagement | Statements or actions that encourage or result in false or intentionally misleading entries into accounts, audits or financial records. |
Discrimination | Statements or actions based on age, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, disability or religion that affect employment, promotion or compensation decisions. |
Harassment | Persistent and uninvited statements, behavior or actions that are degrading, offensive, humiliating or intimidating and create an unpleasant or hostile environment. This includes sexual harassment. |
Retaliation or Retribution | Statements or actions discharging, demoting, suspending, threatening, harassing or discriminating against an employee because of any lawful act taken by the employee to report a violation of law or policy, file a complaint, or assist with an investigation or proceeding. |
Environment, Health & Safety | Conduct, actions, policies or practices that either violate environmental, health or safety laws and regulations, or may cause or result in potentially hazardous conditions that affect the environment or the health and safety of employees, stakeholders or others. |
Bullying | The use of force, threats, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. |
Modern Slavery | Modern slavery is about being exploited and completely controlled by someone else, without being able to leave. Someone is in slavery if they are: forced to work through coercion, or mental or physical threat; owned or controlled by an ’employer’ through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse; treated as a commodity or bought and sold as ‘property’; or physically constrained or have restrictions placed on their freedom of movement. |
Human Trafficking | Human trafficking involves recruitment, harboring or transporting people into a situation of exploitation through the use of violence, deception or coercion and forced to work against their will. |
Bribery | The practice of offering something, usually money, to gain an illicit advantage. |
Corruption | is dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often for personal gain |
If the report implicates an INEND employee, the Board of Directors will be informed. If the report implicates INEND Board Member, then one of the 5 Members who is not implicated in the report will be informed.
INEND will start a preliminary inquiry within 14 days of receipt and consequently, actions will be taken.