To further protection,  inclusion, and justice for Sexual and Gender Minorities in Kenya, these are our strategic priorities:

  • 1. Violence Prevention And
    Rights Protection
  • 2. Collective action towards
    rights protection
  • 3. Knowledge Development And
    Leadership Management
  • 4. Organisational Sustainability

We foster integrated approaches that identify, enable and push back against systems and structures to address oppression and violence for Progressive and inclusive policies amongst institutions, leaders and individuals focused on addressing violence targeting Sexual and Gender Minorities.

INEND strategically engages with key stakeholders and policymakers from strategic partnerships at both county and national levels, with the mandate to ensure rule of law and access to justice, engage on human rights accountability tools, mechanisms and processes, amplifying evidence-based initiatives to drive policy and practice changes for promotion and protection of human rights.

We promote feminist approaches to knowledge management, empowerment and experiential learning for documentation, awareness, effective accountable organizing and meaningful engagement towards fostering a community of practice exchanging knowledge, learnings and innovation, towards violence prevention and rights protection of Sexual and Gender Minorities.

At INEND we believe that Capacity Building is Not an Event, it is a process.

Our overall organizational health and sustainability is necessary for effectiveness and ability to achieve our mission and goals. We ensure consistent, coherent and value-based functionality that prioritizes the well-being of #TeamINEND and the longevity and impact of our work

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